Ground Rules

Your position with <<Un Puente A Los Cielos>> is a job and we expect professional behavior from you.

This includes:

You are a formal representative of NRAO and NASA (like an astronomer or an astronaut!) and your behavior should reflect well on the Observatory and NASA.

You will be paid $7/hour for the hours you work. Currently you are scheduled for a 1/2 hour lunch break during which you will be paid. If you would like a longer lunch break you can arrange the time with your supervisor but you will not be paid during that time.

You will be assigned a partner, probably a new one each week. You and your partner will be responsible for translating web pages, and proofreading pages done by other translators. Zammya is there to help and to provide final proofreading but you are the translator and what you give to her should be as close as possible to a final product, rather than a rough draft.

We do understand that spoken Spanish is different than written Spanish. If necessary Zammya or Kristy may give a short lecture reviewing a particular grammatical topic -- we may give a quiz to make sure everyone understood.

If you want to take time off please let us know a week ahead. You will not be paid for hours you miss. We encourage you not to take more than a few days since this is a very short program. We regret that we cannot allow you to work in excess of 30 hours per week. However it is permissible to work up to 10 extra hours in a week to make up missed time.

Lunch Options: The New Mexico Tech Canteen (a snack bar) and the Dinning Hall will be open in the SUB (student union building) from 11:30 AM -- 1 PM. You are also welcome to bring a lunch (maybe we can get a small fridge for 310). Please be careful with drinks around the computers.

We expect to have a great time, learn a lot and get a lot of work done this summer. However in the event that problems occur we do have recourses. If we are unhappy with your performance we will discuss any problems privately with you and give you a chance to address them. If the unacceptable level of performance continues Staffing Solutions will end your assignment/employment.

If you are unhappy or have a concern or a suggestion, please don't wait for it to become an emergency. Ask to speak privately to Zammya or Kristy. We are interested in your suggestions and want to be aware of what is going on.

At the end of the project we will spend a few days writing resumes and discussing careers in computers and at NRAO. At the end of the summer Zammya, Robyn and Kristy hope to be able to write you a glowing letter of recommendation describing all you have learned about computers and how well-polished your written Spanish translation skills have become.